In Atlanta Public Schools, teachers were
told and sometimes threatened to change student test scores.
Whistle blowers that tried to report what was going on were
harassed into silence or were fired.
At Fain Elementary, a teacher was forced to
crawl under a desk during a faculty meeting as punishment for having poor class test scores.
Do I still get to play on the faculty basketball team?
After an
inquiry by the Atlanta Journal and Constitution was validated by an official investigation, things began to unravel.
It was discovered that
44 our of 56 schools that were investigated had actively cheated to alter student test scores.
178 teachers were told to
resign or be fired.
4 top level administrators and 2 principals
were fired (after being put on
paid leave).
Battle lines began being drawn; a principal at one school allegedly told teachers that if any of them spoke ill of her to investigators, she would
"sue them out the ass." Many teachers felt they had no choice but to cheat, or end up like the aforementioned whistle blowers; unemployed and with a black mark on their record
During all this, Beverly Hall...was out the door. She had
already planned to resign in June; right before everything hit the fan.
Peace out, suckas!
Beverly Hall claimed to have
no knowledge of any cheating going on in her school district, despite
ignoring or dismissing multiple reports of it happening from employees within her district. She was described by multiple employees as aloof and unapproachable, waving off repeated warnings of corruption throughout the district.
She was kind enough, however, to
post an apology for not knowing anything
at all about the scandal and having nothing to do with the implementation of altered test scores...on her facebook page.
...along with a request to be her neighbor in Farmville.
Perhaps the most ironic part of her "apology" came when she dared to mention accountability:
"I do not apologize for the reforms my staff and I implemented during my tenure as superintendent. The public has a right to hold educators — and administrators — accountable if they fail to teach children what they need to learn."
To date, Beverly Hall
has not payed back the $580,000 in bonuses she received for fraudulent test score gains and shows no signs of being inclined to do so.
At least Beverly Hall is out as superintendent and the violations under her watch have come to light, but a lot of questions remain. If this type of thing can go unchecked for nearly a decade, and the person presiding over it is getting national awards and huge bonus payouts, how many other places is this occurring?
And as far as holding Beverly Hall accountable, it looks like legally, she will get to keep her bonus pay unless more evidence comes to light; and even then, it may be a battle in which the legal fees would outweigh the rewards of litigation.
For now, I guess we just have to express our disdain and disappointment on her facebook page.
Facebook, I think the time has come.